Middle Mouse clicking in inventory screen of Mob Crusher …

Industrial Foregoing 1.18.2- Titanium 1.18.2-3.5.6-38. Problem Statement: When in the inventory screen of the Mob Crusher; middle-mouse clicking in the loot inventory area results in all items being deleted including any installed range modules.

Conveyor Belt (Industrial Foregoing)

This page is about the Conveyor Belt added by Industrial Foregoing. For other uses, see Conveyor Belt. The Conveyor Belt is a block added by Industrial Foregoing. Conveyor Belts will travel in the direction the player is facing when placed and will create a ramp if placed one block above or below a connecting conveyor belt. The speed of the conveyor belts can be increased …

Range Addon

The Range Addon is a machine upgrade added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to expand the working area of some machines by placing the Range Addon in the machines upgrade …

[1.12.2] Industrial foregoing mob crusher doesnt kill mobs …

Doesnt say nothing in the logs but, the mob crusher from Industrial foregoing isnt kill any mob i spawn in the kill area, but it consumes energy like it was killing. How to reproduce. I use a spawner, then i use the mob crusher with range 4 (its an upgrade) and then i used energy, the mob crusher is trying to kill and nothing happens

Industrial Foregoing range addons cannot be inserted into …

Put down a Mob Crusher and try to insert an Addon: Range (e.g. Tier 2, tested with different tiers) to the machine. The machine is not accepting the addon. Crash Report

Adult Filter

The Adult Filter is a machine upgrade added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to modify the behavior of some machines. When placed in the Mob Crusher or Mob Slaughter Factory, baby animals will not be killed. When used in the Animal Baby Separator, the machine will sort adult animals rather...

Mob Detector

The Mob Detector is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It will output a redstone signal to the back side of the machine based on the number of living entities in the working area. This will count both hostile and passive mobs, but does not include players or non-living entities such as dropped items or minecarts. The working area is 1x2x1 in front of the machine, which can …

Mob Duplicator

The Mob Duplicator is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to spawn mobs based on the type of mob trapped in a Mob Imprisonment Tool. It has a default spawning range of 1x5x1(X*Y*Z) centered on the machine, which can be expanded with Range Addons. The Mob Duplicator will require 12 × mob HP {displaystyle 12 text{} times text{mob} …

Extraction Conveyor Upgrade

The Extraction Conveyor Upgrade is a Conveyor Belt upgrade added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to extract items from an inventory and place them on a conveyor belt. The upgrade will also remove items from the inventory of mobs and players standing in the extraction block. Right clicking a Conveyor Belt will apply the upgrade to the opposite side of the belt from where the …

Industrial Foregoing mod not full guide – BM: Exosphere – …

Range Addon: Name speaks for itself, extends work distance of the machine, have tiers +1 to +12, extends range on length and width range coordinates Example: Mob Crusher's work range is 1x1x3(length x width x height respectively) with +1 upgrade it becomes 3x3x3, +2 5x5x3, with last tier +12 is 25x25x3 and so on.

Sludge (Industrial Foregoing)

This page is about the Sludge added by Industrial Foregoing. For other uses, see Sludge. Sludge is a fluid added by Industrial Foregoing. It is created as a byproduct of the Plant Interactor and Plant Gatherer and can be processed into Dirt and Clay products in the Sludge Refiner. It will inflict Haste, Blindness, and Slowness status effects if it is consumed with a …

Middle-clicking the inventory of a Mob Crusher (Industrial …

Put down a Mob Crusher; Put in an Addon: Speed Tier 2 upgrade and a Addon: Range Tier 12 upgrade; Let it kill something for an item to be placed in its storage inventory. Middle-click the …

[1.21] Mob Crusher UI problem #1472

Industrial Foregoing Version: 1.21-3.6.13.jar Titanium Version: 1.21-4.0.21.jar The show particles button is overlapping with the button to enable/disable essence generation in the mob crusher, making it impossible to actually disable es...

Itemstack Transfer Addon (Push/Down)

The Itemstack Transfer Addon (Push/Down) is a machine upgrade added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to push items from a machine into adjacent blocks by placing the addon in the machine's upgrade slot. The direction the addon will push to can be cycled through by right clicking while holding it, or set directly by holding sneak and right clicking a side of a block. …

Splitting Conveyor Upgrade

The Splitting Conveyor Upgrade is a Conveyor Belt upgrade added by Industrial Foregoing. It is use to divide items and entities in different directions. Right clicking a Conveyor Belt will apply the upgrade to the opposite side of the belt from where the player is standing. Right clicking the placed upgrade will open a GUI, allowing for the splitting ratio to be adjusted. The splitting …

Fortune Addon

The Fortune Addon adds Fortune/Looting capability to certain machines. The machines that accept this addon are the Block Breaker, the Animal Rancher, and the Mob Crusher. Before …

Crusher Industrial Foregoing Wither

Mob Duplicator. The Mob Duplicator is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to spawn mobs based on the type of mob trapped in a Mob Imprisonment Tool. It has a default spawning range of 1x5x1(X*Y*Z) centered on the machine, which can be expanded with Range Addons. The Mob Duplicator will require 12 × mob HP {displaystyle 12 …

Mob Crusher

Had Mob Crusher with a Tier 12 Range addon in it and some random mob loot drops. Accidently middle-clicked (sorts inventory) while in the Mob Crusher's gui. The loot and addon both …

Crusher Industrial Foregoing Wither

The Mob Duplicator is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to spawn mobs based on the type of mob trapped in a Mob Imprisonment Tool. It has a default spawning …

Hydrator (Industrial Foregoing)

This page is about the Hydrator from Industrial Foregoing. For other uses, see Hydrator. The Hydrator is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to increase the growth speed of crops. The Hydrator has a base range of 1x1x1 block centered on the machine, requiring a Range Addon to be effective. Each operation forces a random tick on crops within range …

Middle Mouse clicking in inventory screen of Mob Crusher …

Install any combination of upgrade modules. Spawn mobs and allow them to be killed/harvested. Verify loot drops have been generated in the inventory of the Mob Crusher. …

Industrial Foregoing mod not full guide – BM: Exosphere – …

Now you can craft Mob Crusher. Mob Crusher is a instant death machine, that deal around 200 damage, can one shot wither and is primarily can be your main machine for …

!「Industrial Foregoing」の …

「ラテックス」にをしエネルギーとをしたで「ラテックス」をると1,000mbごとに「ゴム」にしてくれるので、すると「プラスチック」になる。 このプラスチックがの …

Animal Baby Separator

The Animal Baby Separator is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to move baby animals from the working area to the back of the machine. The default working area is 1x2x1 in front of the Animal Baby Separator, which can be expanded with Range Addons. Animals will be collected from the working area and moved to the single block behind the machine. The …

Animal Feeder

The Animal Feeder is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. Animals within the working area of the Animal Feeder are automatically breed each operation provided they have a valid breeding partner. The internal inventory can hold 18 stacks of items, allowing for multiple types of feed for different animals. The machine will not function if more than 35 animals of any type …

Straw (Industrial Foregoing)

This page is about the Straw added by Industrial Foregoing. For other uses, see Straw. The Straw is a tool added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to consume liquids from tanks and in-world. The Straw may also be used to consume fluids from a machine's internal tank by shift right clicking. Fluids from Industrial Foregoing will inflict various status effects when consumed. …

Leaf Shearing Addon

The Leaf Shearing Addon is a machine upgrade added by Industrial Foregoing.It is used only in the Plant Gatherer and will modify the machine to collect leaf blocks when in Gather Trees mode. This Addon will greatly increase the amount of Sludge produced by the Plant Gatherer due to the number of additional blocks that will be collected by the machine. ...

Resourceful Furnace

The Resourceful Furnace is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to smelt items like the Furnace but can process 3 items at a time. When smelting, the Resourceful Furnace will process one item from each of its 3 input slots. 50mb of Essence is produced into the internal tank per level of experience players would normally recive for smelting the block (5mb for smelting …

Mob Slaughter Factory

The Mob Slaughter Factory is a machine added by Industrial Foregoing. It is used to process mobs and animals into Liquid Meat and Pink Slime. The animals killed by this machine will not produce drops or experience. The default working area is 1x3x1 in front of the machine and can be expanded with Range Addons. Mobs killed will produce 5 of Liquid meat per HP and 1 …

Fertilizer (Industrial Foregoing)

This page is about the Fertilizer added by Industrial Foregoing. For other uses, see Fertilizer. The Fertilizer is an item added by Industrial Foregoing. It functions identically to Bone Meal and can be created by processing Liquid Sewage in the Sewage Composter. Fertilizer can be automaticlly applied to crops using the Plant Fertilizer.